Wednesday, January 30, 2008

bloggy giveaways

bloggy giveaways

Take a look at this website. It gives a 500+ long list of blogs that are giving things away for FREE. Anything from homemade aprons to gift cards to stores. You leave a comment on their blog and you are entered into a drawing. They choose a winner. Good luck!

My cousin Sarah is doing one on her blog for her beautiful artwork. Sign up to get 2 free prints or $40 worth of art!

Sarah Jane Studios

1 comment:

Unknown said...

this is so cool! I had no idea you had this little site. Now I know where to get all my deals! I need this! THanks hannah! (well, not THIS giveaway.. of course...but cool that there are so many others. I have never won a giveaway. And then there are those lucky people who always seem to win them all! oh well:)